STP Prep Finished!

I survived my day long bike ride and I am starting to recover. I was able to get in 90 miles and had to cut the ride short because of the sun going down. Exciting news is that my rear end didn't hurt after sitting on the bike for about 8 hours. Now I just need to rest up and make sure that everything is good to go in 2 weeks.

STP Prep

In preparation for the STP in about 2 weeks I am attempting to ride 100 miles today. Already I am met with several obstacals one of which happens to be the fact that the allergy index is at a high right now and I am having a hard time. We'll just have to see how it goes!
(10 of 100 Miles complete)

Funny Comic

Found this in the paper this morning and had a good laugh. It is.....
Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich
"Real Life Adventures" is ... well ... kind of art that sort of imitates life. It is a celebration of the banal by two truly mundane fellows, Lance Aldrich and Gary Wise. It’s about stomach noises in business meetings, bugs in your porch light and trying to extract a single hanger from your closet.
©2008 GarLanCo

Frustrating morning

This morning Cas and I headed out to do some window washing for a customer and it took us an hour to get there and then we couldn't find the right house. So I go to call the customer and the paper I wrote the number on is at home. Ahhhh! So after driving around for another hour looking for the place we decide to head home. After a 75 mile trip and about $21 of gas I am home and very frustrated. If only I had an iPhone.... This wouldn't have happened. Curse my simple phone and my gas guzzling truck that I would love to put in park for a long time. This just makes me love my motorcycle even more! :-)

Cute video

This video was done by Kaelie Nielsen. Good song and a fun video.

Farmers market!

Cas and I went to the local farmers market this last week and it was really cool! I was able to get some god pictures so check them out.

Start your own timeline at

Port Townsend trip photos

Cas and I had a great time in Port Townsend celebrating our 1 year anniversary. Check out some of our photos that we took while we explored the town.

LDS News

Created by two of my uncles, LDS News source is here! A great place to get all the latest news related to the church. Check it out at

LDS News Source


Get a free link to your blog, online photos or anything! All through .tk
To learn more click on the animated box below. And check out my .tk at

Check out this incredible artist named
Roger Subirana
I love the album
Point of no return


Mariners Game

Funny YouTube Videos

Model falls on runway

Laughing Fit / game show girl

Morning show guy can't laughing

Live news glitch

Laughing Babys

Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs & iPhone

This first video is from and reviews a few things about the upcoming iphone.
The second video is a competition throw down style between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. If you are not into the whole mac vs pc thing... no need to watch.

Mac Rumors Forum Fun!!

I was having fun today on and I was having some fun replying to some posts and I posted this picture. With in a few minutes the second two alterations showed up from other users. I thought it was really funny and cool. It all started here. Then moved to here.
Then ended here.

smaller iphone?

Personally, I would hate a smaller iphone screen. Might be nice for the wife but why get an iphone that does so much if it is that small. I don't want to always hold the phone 2 inches from my face to see what I am doing.

Google search rank results

After posting our standing with google I wanted to check it again to see if it would change in a few minutes after pinging google using ping bloggers. I will have to also check how the standings change over the next couple of days.

New Google search results after last post and about 10 min!
  • mike and cas #46 up 3
  • michael and cas #70 down 1
  • grace family #311 same
  • anti teaching #179 same
  • mac junkie #89 up 2
  • tech junkie (not willing to do the search again)
So I was talking with a friend about internet advertising and that got me to thinking about where our blog shows up in google searches and this is what I found. We will have to see if those standings change much after I post this.

Google search results
  • mike cas #49
  • michael cas #69
  • grace family #311
  • anti teaching #179
  • mac junkie #91
  • tech junkie (didn't show up in the first 500)

Sell on ebay and craigs list better

How can I sell my stuff on craigs list and ebay better?

spruce up your listing using image deposit.
Free, easy, and it will help you sell better and faster!

More Traffic with Ping Bloggers

How can I get more traffic to my blog?

Ping multiple search and indexing sites that your blog has been updated and your blog could gain more visibility and visitors.

What is ping?

A ping is basically a notification to other sites that there has been a change and when other search engine sites and indexing sites receive a ping they send out a search bot to check out the changes and index the changes. Search bots are how Google keeps it's search up to date. The more a search engine finds your site and sees it being updated and changing, the sites ranking can go up putting the site higher on search lists giving your site more visibility and possibly more traffic.

How do I ping?

There are a lot of different sites out there that do this for you.

Mac Rumors and Google?

What do you get when you mix Mac Rumors with Google? MRoogle! Now everyone can not only enjoy the countless amounts of cool mac rumors but also search the entire site in style! On the front of this Google looking search page it says
"© 2005-2008 edesignuk - Searching countless amounts of MacRumors spam"
edesignuk is a user on Mac Rumors and when trying to visit edesign's webpage a funny access denied page shows up. If you enjoy the banter between Mac haters and lovers you have to check this out.

BYU Idaho - Jump drives and external HDs

BYU Idaho is finally shutting down the campus online storage for students. The school says that because portable storage devices are becoming cheaper it is more economical for the school and better for students to get their own jump drive or external HD for storing and sharing files. The school also strongly suggests regular backups of each students hard drive. I wonder how many actually do back up their computers? Will this give us more space for email? Read the school notice here

The future of protecting the family name

Soon there will be so much information about each and every one of us that we will need help managing what is out there on the web. Reputation Defender is just one of the companies forging the way in this new field. What information is already out there about you?

Moms and Facebook

Found a very interesting article in the New York Times about facebook, parenting, and our relationship with our children.

‘omg my mom joined facebook!!’


Dr. Michael Wesch is Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Digital Ethnography at Kansas State University. I found Dr. Michael Wesch through a friends blog and I have been very impressed with his teachings and thoughts. Dr. Wesch I am still reading and researching but in only one night my thoughts and future has changed.
Read Dr. Michael Wesch's published article in pdf format about Anti-Teaching

Video related to education and the crisis of significance.

Show blog traffic to visitors!

Now there is an easy way to show to all of your blog and website visitors where your traffic is coming from. Check it out at the bottom of our blog or at

Another big thanks to Joseph McLaughlin for the info.

Free Music! Legal? YES!!!!

Found a site that allows free downloads of music by artists that give them the OK. Completely legal and totally awesome! Check out

Check out my user profile on jamendo for my latest finds in free music.

Another well recomended music site that is free is

A video on how the web is changing our world!
A big thanks to Joseph McLaughlin for showing this to me.
Thanks Man!

Fighting tabacco - WHO

I am glad to see a big effort being put into getting smoking down! We live in a time and place where it is hard enough to live right, and raise children. I fully support The World Health Organisation (WHO) in there efforts to ban all tobacco advertising to help prevent young people taking up the habit of smoking.

Original article at

Call to ban all tobacco adverts

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has called on governments to ban all tobacco advertising to help prevent young people taking up the habit.

It accused manufacturers of using increasingly sophisticated marketing techniques to ensare young people, particularly girls in poorer countries.

The UN agency says the more they are exposed to tobacco advertising, the more likely people will start smoking.

The appeal was issued to mark the WHO's World No Tobacco Day.

The organisation said only 5% of the world's population was covered by comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

It says current restrictions are not enough to protect the world's 1.8bn young people, who are targeted through the intenet, magazines, films, concerts and sporting events.

'Dangerous messages'

In Russia, which has few anti-smoking laws, the number of female and adolescent smokers has tripled in the last decade.

However, in Canada, where smoking and cigarette advertising has been severely restricted, numbers of smokers are at their lowest in 40 years.

The UK has recently announced plans to outlaw cigarette vending machines and packets of 10 to prevent children and young people smoking.

The WHO also accused manufacturers of continuing to attract young people by "falsely" associating cigarettes with "glamour, energy and sex appeal".

Most smokers take up the habit before the age of 18, with almost a quarter of those before the age of 10, according to the organisation.

In a WHO worldwide survey of 13 to 15 year olds, 55% reported seeing billboard advertisements for tobacco, while 20% owned an item with a cigarette brand logo.

Douglas Bettcher, director of the WHO's Tobacco Free Initiative, said a full ban was necessary to ensure young people were shielded from dangerous messages.

"Half measures are not enough," he said.

"When one form of advertising is banned, the tobacco industry simply shifts its vast resources to another channel. We urge governments to impose a complete ban to break the tobacco marketing net."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/05/31 09:55:38 GMT