Dr Who Season 4

Dr Who Season 4 has started and is now on iTunes. Hooray! :-) Those whom I am close to absolutely love this show. I have to admit that it is a lot of fun to watch. :-)


Bald is beautiful

Any one remember this?! Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! The unmasked baldy has struck again. Muahahahahahahahaha!! :-)

The Great Grandpa Bauer

It has been a year now since grandpa Bauer has passed away and I only have sweet memories of him. I am glad that I had the blessing and opportunity to know and spend time with this great man. A big thanks to the Bauers for the reminder and fun picture of grandpa.

Halloween Fun

Cassie and I really had a great time together this Halloween. We were able to carve pumpkins, bake some cookies, relax, and take a nice little nap. Cassie helped me carve the pumpkins. I think it is funny that carving pumpkins goes a lot faster now that I am bigger and older than I used to be. I remember carving pumpkins as a kid taking much longer than it does now but it is just as fun. Next year I think I am going to do the puking pumpkin because I think that one is really funny. I am sad that carved pumpkins don't last very long here because of the weather and the low humidity levels. Oh well, our bread lasts a lot longer here. :-)

To shave or not to shave :-)

I just love to laugh and I think learning how to laugh is a prerequisite to enjoying life on this earth. I found this comic particularly funny because I dislike shaving also. Find this comic at comics.com