New Ferrari for Dad $1,000,000

Cas and I got this crazy email and whether or not it is true it is still fun to look at.
If you have teenagers or are planning on having teenagers it is advisable to not look at these pictures as they may cause adverse effects to your rearing techniques. Enjoy! :-)


Watch out Google documents there is a new kid in town!

Buzzword is going to be the new buzz word going around the net once people try it out. What is it? Buzzword is a clean strong and easy to use document editor. Unlike Microsoft's Word or Sun Micro systems Open Office you don't need to install the software onto your computer. Everything runs from the Internet. Why would I want to work on my documents on the Internet you ask. Well, not everyone will want to because the really great thing about being able to create and edit documents on-line is the sharing capabilities! Buzzword is great for sharing and collaborating documents with others. I personally have been using Google documents for a while now and just started using buzzword and I think I am going to stick with it. Check it out and who knows... ... you may really really like it. :-)

How to give an amazing presentation!

steve jobs
Do what Steve Jobs does. Seriously! Steve Jobs has always been amazing at presentations but he is getting better so let's learn from him. A professional has broken down Steve's presentation into 10 parts. Check it out, read it, learn it, do it, and be happier! It is that simple! :-) Check it out at the business Week website.

Blue Ray Conquers!!

Just like I thought it would a long time ago. It isn't final but it will be soon. :-) Check it out at

Fun with the camera

In between classes today I had a few minutes to try an old trick of mine. Let me know what you think! :-) Just click the picture below to be taken to our Picasa web album. There click on slide show to see all the pictures effortlessly. :-) Enjoy!
Cold Snap

Another Cold Day in Rexburg.

Well, it was another cold day here in Rexburg and I have the pictures to prove it. When I woke up this morning the temperature gauge said -20!

Now I know to some that still may not be really cold but at 52 degrees below freezing I can really start to feel it. It was soo cold for so long the metal on our door started getting frost on the inside like you see in the freezer.

And that is on the inside, where it is supposed to be warm! After fighting with the car to start, Cas and I were able to make it to school in one piece and we had a great day. After all was said and done we were able to come home and enjoy a great meal that Cassie made. Not only did it taste really good, it looked good! :-)

Way to go! And thanks for the great meal Cas!! :-)

Java Blast Off!

I am really really enjoying my Java class!! I am now 2 weeks ahead as far as completing programming assignments. The latest edition to my Java program is a program that will take a list of numbers and find the average, smallest, smallest reference number, and the standard deviation. Run it on your computer and see for yourself. :-)

Try My Java and SMiLE :-)

Like Strange Facts?

Evan shared this site with me which is filled with strange and sometimes hard to believe facts like every day 20 banks are robbed. Check it out at
Thanks Evan!

Another Java Update

I have completed another Java assignment and this one reflects my latest changes. :-)
My Latest Java

Mo' Java!

More improvements to my collection of self written java! Check it out and witness the power of my code! :-)


The Best Internet Radio!

Get the music you want with out commercials. You can listen to the kind of music you want just by typing in the name of the artist or a song that you like. Check out my video to learn more!
Watch Video Here!

My Java Flava!

I am having way too much fun learning more and more Java! I was able to learn how to make a window with buttons in it. So, I put a bunch of buttons in the window and programmed it to run the programs I have written up to this point. Download it and check it out! I am really excited to learn more and more! :-)


Java Rocks My Socks!

I learned today how to package up Java programs that I have been writing in my Java programming class and I am soo excited. Java is very versatile and portable and should work on your machine if you have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. Download my latest programs and witness the power of my Java code! :-)

My First Java
Sort Three Integers

Link list to Videos

Here is a running list of my videos on Stage6.
Feel free to vote and leave comments.
It is really exciting to hear what you have to think.
Stage6 uses a video compression format called Divx,
which is really good quality and I like it! :-)
Thanks for everything and have fun watching!
Click here for my Stage6 web page.


Visual Basic Programming Tutorials

Visual Basic Programming 1
Basic beginings
Visual Basic Programming 2

Variables & Functions
Visual Basic Programming 3

User input
Visual Basic Programming 4
More Variables & Functions
Visual Basic Programming 5
Tithing program
Visual Basic Programming 6
Create run buttons

Java Programming Tutorials

Java 01/17/08
Sort three integers program part 1 of 2

Java 01/17/08
Sort three integers program part 2 of 2

Andrew is learning Visual Basic!

I spent some time with my younger brother and helped him get on his feet with programming. Andrew is learning fast and doing a great job! Just check out the cool programs he wrote by downloading this Excel file. (Excel will ask you if you want to disable or enable the macro. In order to see the program you need to enable.)
Download Here!

The first dimension

Cassie has been doing some cool sketches in her perspective drawing class and I really like them. These sketches are in one point perspective.

Web Design Class

I am enjoying my classes this semester and I am just getting started in my web design class. I am really excited to learn how to effectively design and build working websites. This skill will really compliment the other skills that I am acquiring this semester. It will be exciting to watch the web page evolve as the class goes on. My web page can be found here. It isn't much to look at now but it is all about the learning right!? :-)

The Fan Man!

I found a really nice free program for the mac that allows you to change the perameters for when the fan speed changes and how much. Really nice if your computer seems to be getting really hot or you want to keep it cooler to help it last longer. The freeware is provided by Lobotomo. Click here to be taken to the FanControl download page.

Visual Basic Programming 4

Do more with variables and input.

A (Morning) Walk To Remember!

Needless to say that this morning was very cold and it took some work to get the ice chipped off of the car. It was wonderful though, and an invigorating experience to be able to experience the joy of having our nose hairs instantly frozen together from breathing in the crisp air. :-)
Wish you all could be here to experience it! If you have no idea what it feels like to have your nose hairs instantly frozen together, well...... I am not sure what to tell you. Part of me wants to say, "You are obviously smart enough to live in a warm place." Another part of me wants to say, "You know... you really haven't lived until you have experienced this." Either way, we miss you all and we are enjoying our many layers of pants, coats, scarfs, socks, and gloves. Have a Great Day!

MacBook Air!!!!!!

Apple announced it's new MacBook Air!! It is absolutely incredible and makes me drool! How does Apple do it!? Like my uncle Jared always says, "That computer is sexy!" :-)

Visual Basic Programming 3

Learn how to get input using the input box command! :-)

Visual Basic Programming 1

Learn how to start basic programs in VB. Learn to use the power of the message box!

Visual Basic Programming 2

The power of variables, and mathematic equations in VB!